As we were Hilton guests, we were able to sit in the reserved seating, but decided to go with next to reserved seating instead. Here's the early morning rain that attempted to soak my pantlegs.

One of my favorite traditions is the Oregonian blazoned with the simple and colorful headline "It's Parade Day!!"
It would have been hard to get a sandchair in the overhead compartment of the airplane.
Some of the best pre-parade entertainment: the firemen looking to "fill the boot" for Jerry's Kids. These are the Portland firefighters, but Hillsboro came through soon after.
Oddly, it seems like they never have the 30-year veteran firefighters on the boot patrol...hmmm....
It's mustard.
A CUP. Of mustard. For dipping her corndog in. Well, "dipping" would be putting it lightly.
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