Jimmy Buffett came to town! For the first time ever! Sometimes I wish we could take the weather with us.

Since it was going to be about 43 degrees at our tailgate, you have to go tropical where you can.

After teleworking early in the day, we were able to pop down to see and participate in the Parrothead festivities!

The tailgate we were invited to attend went all out, roasting a pig, offering sidedishes and a bar, and a full speaker system for our musical enjoyment.

I thought there would be a bit more Parrothead spectacle than I encountered. Dudes on bikes in skirts pulling dudes on skateboards seemed pretty tame.

Of course, there were lots of leis, and your occasional boat captain.

And then parking lot craziness ensued.

Jimmy gave us a good show. I wouldn't say it was a great show, but we had a fun time. It was nice to see some Key West footage up on the big screen too.

It was fun to spend a tropical evening out with Mister Buffett, who played for nearly 3 hours with no opener. I'm gonna try to keep that weather with me.