On Friday, a surprise at the door! Flowers delivered to Tiffany, Amy, Stacey, and Kristin. From Dad!! He wanted to say thanks for all we did over the past year, and to welcome our Kristin back to Oregon! And as it was close to Mother's Day, he wanted us to remember that mom loved having flowers in the house, and wanted us to have flowers in our house for the weekend. Can you imagine anything sweeter?
He also sent along a fancy bottle of champagne. OK, he might have had a little helper assisting with all of these treats. :)
So we fancied ourselves up to go hit the strip....Hahahahahah! NO! Sister was screwing with my hair on Friday night. ;)
We really did fancy ourselves up for Saturday night on the strip...
Sister taking control of the situation. OK!
Requisite group shot. My god, the hotness. ;) Some GPs we forget to take a good group shot, or we take them but none turns out good. This GP, there are a bunch of super cute ones! What with tackling a Vegas casino, Stacey was the only one with the strength to venture out in actual slutty shoes. The rest of should have worn shirts that said "Sensible Shoe Night."
Our taxi driver, and the uhm...lovely gentlemen who passed us as we approached the strip. Their mothers must be so proud.
As we were taxiing in to the strip for just the one night, we decided to aim high, and hit only the one casino: The Palms!