Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I've been working on my halloweening-up photo skills.
Digital dreariness.
I had to find something to do with my Halloween evening... we got only 2 trick-or-treaters.
This guy was enjoying the Halloween afternoon sun, so I put a wee costume on him. Hope your holiday was fun!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Party!

So off to the big party!
Halloween parties are bizarre and amusing.
My fave costume of the night on the left: Towelie from South Park. SO clever!
A bunch of folks came up and asked my husband if his tats were real. Uhm. Yeah. Most of them are roses or unicorns...they really don't make manly fake tats.

Halloween Pre-party: Swords & Champagne!

So over to the pre-party for final costume preparation (including wig!) and for photo ops... With my ex-husband, Jesse James.
The first of the Kill Bill characters. :)

The sword makes its first appearance. The blade on the right is an actual stainless steel blade. Sorry, we had to go black and white for this one, lest we lose our R rating.
The next of the Kill Bill characters... AND tricks involving glass. EXCELLENT!!
Dang-near ready to head to the party!


Halloween... halloween... What to be this year...? Let's see...hmmm.... $4 dress from a thrift store....
$5 tablecloth from a thrift store...
Yes, definitely... I can mockup a thousands-of-dollars Marchesa dress from nine bones worth of thrift store junk!
Plus, take this $2 nutcracker, rip his arms and beard off, paint him gold, and BLAM!
We have ourselves an Oscar!!

Professional Tarting Services Offered.

The task at hand: tarting up 9-year-olds for a Rock Band-themed dress-up birthday party.

Who's the first person you'd think of to assist with this task? Heheheheh. ME! My last tarted-up rock music-themed birthday party was 1983, circa "Love is a Battlefield..." And I was the guest of honor!!!

I was glad to learn it still involves wigs, scarves, and copious amounts of mascara.

The birthday girl!

Surprisingly, there was very little squealing.
OK, there was some from me.
The patriarch of the family grew up on a dairy farm. No sub-par dairy products in this house.
And then the competition begins. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Non-deer Shooting

Creepy AND compelling. I want to know what's in that fog... No wait, I don't...!! No wait... I do...
I love how some branches point up, some point down.
Poor sad burned tree.
A sign said this burned in 1992. 1992!!! It doesn't seem to have regenerated as quickly as I would like.
So delicate!
The Sawtooths (Sawteeth? ;) are so lovely with snow on them, they are so rare memorialized in their naked state!

Truck Hunting

In between hikes, and while traveling to or fro, we engage in truck hunting. And we have covered some diverse roads in our travels this year. Real pavement is such a treat!
Sometimes I drive. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes my husband drives. Sometimes he doesn't. Miss G almost never drives.
On the gravelly roads we sometimes encounter tiny woodland beggars... in custom-made fleece overcoats. But then, who doesn't?
I prefer a good ol' dirt road to gravel.
And I definitely prefer a dirt road to ruts.

G prefers approximately 23 fleece jackets.

Weekend Hunting Trip No. 218

No, not that many. ;) I really do love fall camping! Hot coffee... the fire... the expedition-weight fleece... Having the right tools is the key.
I'm not a breakfast-first-thing sorta gal, so sometimes we wait for the sun to come up and have tailgate breakfast... OK, in a wine glass. It was clean and accessible! ;)
Of course, everyone gets camping breakfast!
We ran out of cornbread muffin offerings, so G and I placed a saltine offering at deer-height to see if we could lure them to camp.
Waiting for the mighty hunter to return from his afternoon hike hunt.
He returns! He returns!! Hooray! We are saved!
And then the mighty hunter and the fastest tongue in the west are reunited. And all is well again.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hunting and Shooting

When you are hunting, you are supposed to be looking for movement off in the distance. Sometimes I don't.
There wasn't likely a deer under this leaf... uh... I was looking for hooveprints... yeah...
I don't know what this was, but I want to put it on top of a wrapped present.
So fuzzy!
The parts where the green turns to pink are almost too much to bear!