We mostly stayed close to home this weekend, working on the house, doing homework, and just kickin' it. We also watched "I'm Not There." I can see the pull, but mostly, "It's Not For Me."
My husband continues to chip away on Bathroom 1. This weekend he got all the backerboard for the bath area hung, AND all the sheetrock (paperless, thank you very much). The paint chips were under consideration, but we decided to go with the one in the upper left...the fleshy colored swatch. It has a shiny metallic sheen, and will look sort of pearly.
Plus, a visit from the paint fairy!
While my husband was working hard, I baked this lovely turkey, and unloaded 4 boxes of kitchen stuff from the garage. All told, I loaded, ran, and unloaded the dishwasher SEVEN times this weekend. Heavens!
I hope you all had a great weekend!