Folks keep asking me what I've been doing with all my free time since my fireman is out working for the good of the order. "Free time" seems like a strong word really, but I feel like I've been doing good stuff... socializing, theater, was sick for a couple days, TV, naps... the good life really. Including one last credit on the books for the partybarge Thursday that went awry. Use it Sunday morning or lose it. With no regular captain, I had to step into some big shoes.
Not only was it my first time captaining a ship, but they have been dropping the water in the reservoir about 2 feet per day, so the terrain was completely different from usual.
First mate Shelby was as useful as could be... whipping up some fantastic knots to keep us anchored into our cove.
We are a good team!
We had a short morning float, and went low-key, just the two of us. No management, just relaxing in the sun.
We were entertained by many fire helicopters taking off and landing with buckets beneath them.
And long conversations about how big that bucket really was close up, and how much use it could it really be.
We had no troubles at all! We didn't hit anything, we didn't lose control of our boat, and we didn't flat out sink the boat! Hooray for ladies floating!! So long partybarge season!
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