Saturday, October 24, 2009

An Impromptu Visit to Portland!

Unfortunately, my Tiny Momma came down with a terrible case of pneumonia...DOUBLE pneumonia. Luckily, with a lot of high-powered antibiotics and a lot of poster coloring, she's come through on the other side and is safely at home, continuing to recover!

Hospitals are weird.
Black velvet posters will help anyone feel better. Even if you have only 8 colors to work with.

A good Snuggie ad featuring a wiener dog in the monk get-up helps too.
We also did a modeling clay kit. Creative endeavors are very therapeutic.
These are the flowers I got Momma, and the pumpkin-butt Pooh sister got her. And the purple heart necklace I made her. And the Hello Kitty bandage I snagged from Stacey and then neglected to ask her about.
Stace...can I take one of these pink Hello Kitty bandages to my mom?
Clearly, it helped. :)


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