Friday, February 27, 2009

I've Been a Little Out of Pocket....

Heavens, I've been so out of pocket lately! Where have I been, you ask? Lounging on the beach in Tahiti? Climbing mountains in central Idaho? Searching for the Fountain of Youth, perhaps?

Nope. I've just been at work. A LOT. And when I'm not at work, mostly I've been doing schoolwork. A LOT.

So sorry for the lapse in service...and for anyone whose emails I have been unresponsive too...I hope to get my life back in order any day now. :)


Marie said...

Was this after an all-nighter?? :)

amy said...

Anita had this joke -- I think it started with Nancy -- about how after a day of group leadering, Nancy had "4 o'clock hair." And I usually did when she walked by around 4 o'clock. I looked up and realized I had 8 o'clock hair. Which was nearly twice as bad as 4 o'clock hair. :)

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