I bought this prom dress at a thrift store for $20 for steampunkification. I decided to shorten the inner layers...
and..."bustle" up the top layer.
Thankfully I have this tiny wooden footstool I made in seventh grade woodshop. It's a little hard to see, but my name is routered in the top. Top-notch work.
I affixed the bustling with these big silver buttons all the way around, but my husband said it needed something more, and suggested these rows of buttons. At first I wasn't convinced, but then came around. We are a good team.
And with some mismatched gold and silver buttons on this jacket I bought for $8, I was mostly steampunk-ready.
My husband acquired this top hat, and I helped gussy it up a bit with a thrift store belt that worked quite well. Despite it being a hat from one of those pop-up Halloween stores, it's a pretty nice piece! It will definitely end up in the Halloween chest.
Somehow early-90s Navy-issue combat boots worked for steampunk quite nicely.
The goggles ended up on the hat for the evening, but mostly he was put together too!
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