Monday, May 19, 2008

It's Curtains for Us.

My husband left for a long weekend of camping and bear hunting this weekend, and I had the place to myself! What did I do with all this luxurious free time, you ask? Well, as I already had my 45 in by end of day Thursday, I was able to take Friday off! After my trip to the DMV, I bought a new we have not yet been able to locate our old one. Between merging households and Navy time, we always have like 4 irons. So what's another?

Friday night: Miss G and I watched Pretty Woman. Saturday: I did homework all day. Bo-ring. Sunday: more homework.

Then, Sunday afternoon I was finally able to bust out the new iron and the sewing machine and do myself a little hemming! Five curtains and three pairs of pants. We have been living with the curtains hanging down on the floor, so this was a very exciting accomplishment! They even hang reasonably straight!

I'll post again if I end up having to work with a new bearskin rug...

The living room curtains (and Miss G lonely without her boy.)

The bedroom curtains!

The bathroom curtain!

And the fancy leaf-pattered hem I put on my new Nicole Miller jeans!!


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