Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kansas: The BBQ Capital of the World!

There was no shortage of food or drink on our trip. We were wined, dined, and generally welcomed with open arms everywhere we went! In addition to a bounty of restaurants (BBQ and otherwise) we were also treated to a backyard BBQ at the neighbors' house, and also invited to attend a margarita party on the deck of other Arnold friends. Such hospitality! Such ingenuity! Such fun!

We started the vacation off with big, gooey rum drinks at Cheeseburger in Paradise!

These are just two of the many plates of food that comprised the "meat platter" the boys shared one meal. In addition to the plate of ham, brisket, and sausage that's hiding beneath half a rack of ribs, they also received a plate o' fries, nearly a loaf of white bread, BBQ beans, and this lovely plate o' pickle spears.

J being carnivorous at a different BBQ joint...

Informative posters about this menace that is BBQ...

Stuck in a land-locked state, yet craving good seafood? Do what Portlanders do! Head off to the McCormick and Schmicks deck for a crab salad, calamari, and margaritas in the shade!

J admiring the lights of Kansas City from a rotating-view restaurant. It took about an hour to make the entire rotation...and for the bathrooms to come back around. ;) Just enough time for bread pudding (us) and mango sorbet (them)...also enough time for me to accidentally fall down in the middle of our exit. (Sorry Stacey and Poo -- Kristin was in the ladies room, so just the boys got to enjoy the next in a long line of my's falls! Chris explained it as..."One minute she was there, the next she fell to the floor as if she had no bones!")

Yes, on to that margarita party on the deck...this friend of the Arnolds built himself a homemade margarita machine, using a garbage disposal (hopefully it was new...?) and assorted other parts, including that awesome industrial faucet handle. We sat on the deck enjoying this creation, even after the light rain started we just huddled under the deck umbrella. But when the lightning came a little close, you've never seen one Jack Russell terrier and eight people with plastic margarita glasses move so fast.


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