I boycotted homework this weekend. I didn't mean to, but when I got around to attempting to work, I just couldn't muster it. Instead I coerced my husband to a game or four of Scrabble. I usually query, "Care to lose at Scrabble?" but the reality is, he's good. Really,
really good. I can rarely beat him. I usually lose by an average 10 points, and yesterday, only by 2 points. But losses nonetheless.

The sun was glorious.
Dreadnought even saw daylight! As did Miss G's Magic Carpet.

love the Dreadnought. On the deck. In the sun.

Magic carpet, sunshine, and a lullaby are all that's needed to send a girl (dog) off to a Sunday nap.
Soooooooo we start Week 5 in a bit of a progress deficit, but much more rested. And that has value too. :) Ten weeks to go!
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