Thursday, April 7, 2011

FFF: Best Lunch EVER.

So after our in-depth exploration of the ruination, we needed sustenence! My husband use his passable spanish to have our taxi cab drivers (two of em for six folk!) point out a good place for lunch.
So we were promptly driven to what amounted to a roadside warehouse with lawn furniture and the largest cross I've ever seen in an eating establishment. But Jesus was watching down as the young man in the Nike shirt deftly fileted out fresh sea creature after fresh sea creature.
We had hit the lunch jackpot.
We gobbled down giant plates of the most awesome fresh ceviche like it was our last meal. And of all the light Mexican beers out there, they had Sol, my fave.
Such a fun lunch.
On the last day we were discussing where we'd like our last dinner...we considered commissioning a taxi to run into town and bring us buckets of ceviche.

I think that expression just about says it. "But why is all the ceviche gone?"


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