Union Station! I love old train stations. The one in Kansas City is particularly well done. We didn't get inside this one, but it sure looks fancy.

The Union Pacific Railroad and I go way back. ;) When Dad worked there we lived in LaGrande, sparking my appreciation for the high desert! Plus, the chophouse was fantastic!

Wynkoop was an early founder of Denver. I love these decorative street names in concrete.

I became obsessed with framing the view in the windowframe of our hotel. I took like 200 pictures of it.

Coors Field! I'm not big on baseball, but having never been to a major league game, I'd love to go! The Rockies have something against me tho. I've been to Denver one or two times a year for like 5 years and they are NEVER playing when I'm there.

OK, one more. I'll keep the other 198 to myself.
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