Pendleton is still very much a small town. Cute as a bug, really. Sister with the big boot at Hamley's.

And then my turn.

We got lunch at this greasy spoon Saturday afternoon. I will say, they served the best steak fingers I've ever had -- and supposedly invented in my own town. HAH! Pendleton's rocked. That cute table of boys behind me was the male half of a wedding party that came in for beers and nachos before their pix and then the ceremony. They were hilarious in their ill-fitting tuxedos. One of my many odd high school jobs was measuring men for tuxes at the rental place in town. I would have done a MUCH better job.

We waited and hour and then came back to peruse the goods (mostly the sparkly belt buckles). When we walked in we said "Hey Mike...how was lunch?" He said it was good...his second that day. ;)

We really wanted to peruse the items in this shop, but she closed early and never opened again. This was true at another establishment that had a similar sign saying "Sorry, closed. Forgot about a doctor's appointment. Back Monday."

And of course, we can't forget the strange man in the ladies room at Hamley's. It almost looks like he has weird wings. It reads more cougar bar than steakhouse to me, but whatevs.
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