Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Gold Fork!

On our way back home we trekked out to Gold Fork to languish in the hot springs, as women of leisure do. The six miles out there were spectacular.
However, the melting snow turned the top inch of dirt road to sloppy muck. I was concerned about sister's ability to push the Cooper out of a bog, so parked on this ice bank instead. I'm very resourceful.
The steam made the air warm. It was like we were in a tropical locale, despite the snow!
They have five pools of varying temperatures. One has a white sand bottom!
Guest photographer: Sister! She's obsessed with photographing dilapidated buildings and their accoutrements. I love the wagon wheels.


Darci Thornton said...

Hello Amy -
My name is Darci and I work for PFB Custom Homes. We produce a digital magazine called Rustic Architecture and in the Spring issue we are doing a spotlight on the Central Idaho area and wanted to mention Gold Fork Hot Springs. In our search for pictures we came across yours and was wondering if we could use it in the magazine. We will give you photo credit and a log-in to download the magazine for free. You can contact me at

Thank you, Darci

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