This one's just left in the yard from Halloween, I didn't grow it or nuthin'.
But you knew that. 'Cause I'm not much of a green thumb.
We got a few more grapes than we did last year. They were tiny, pale green, seedless, sweet, and delicious.
Wait. I'm sorta seeming like I know a couple things about a couple things that grow...
But I don't. I kill houseplants. They will drink when I want to water them, NOT when they want water.*
* Handy phrase, feel free to use as you see fit. As in, "I come to work when I want to, NOT when work wants me to."
My grandmother used to say that my generation better get used to eatin' pavement, the way we destroy farmland to build roads and subdivisions.
Snow's all gone now. But I suspect it will be back soon enough.
Lovely photos, Amy!
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