My husband successfully turned 40 on Wednesday! I attempted to put together a fabulous birthday adventure... A camping trip to...
Halfway, Oregon...?
Hee hee! A junket to
Jackpot, Nevada? A road trip to
Wisdom, Montana?
Hah! Naw, he had to work on Friday. So the celebration would be dinner and gifts!
My talented sister made him this fancy scarf!

Forty-year-old Idahoans fly fish, don't they? He received a pack of fly fishing gifts from parents!

His fave...german chocolate. Everyone uses a cleaver to cut cake, don't they?

I got him
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for theXbox. In the words of young Max, my husband is "one lucky bastard."
Kids say the darndest things! 
I also got him these fired-shotgun-shell cuff links. It's a pretty specific event where someone would wear (a) cufflinks, that are (b) made from shotgun shells. I love them!
Hee-hee!And tickets to see U2! In Denver!! He's a big fan and has always wanted to see them. Oddly, Boise isn't on their tour.
Happy Birthday!!
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