The conference I attended was held in the super-duper ultra fancy new John Jaqua Center for Student Athletes. Students who participate in UO sports used to have a facility for studying and tutoring....a 4,000 sf facility in the basement of Mac Court. Thanks to Mister Knight, they now have a 40,000 sf facility that is certainly the jewel of the campus.

Cutest bike rack EVER!

leathah. Such fanciness! The Joey Harrington conference room has similarly blinding yellow leather chairs.

I understand the need for a non-cartoon graphic element, but this one feels like it belongs in a bathroom or a nursery.


We have a long standing relationship with Alberto. A cut-out of him running has been a staple at the beach house for years and years. This is on the wall of accomplished one-time UO student athletes. SUCH a cool facility!
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