How to celebrate graduation? Track Town pizza party, of course! And if you'll notice the scribbling on the box, the house I rented was on Manzanita Street! Hee hee!

My new science T-shirt. I'm historically an arts person, not a sciences person, so it made me laugh.

We had some Eugene guests for the event, including a long-time family friend with whom Carolyn went to grad school!

Sister and her book of toasts from 1909 or 1914... I noticed after looking at the pix, it's called "Everybody Up." I think we should institute a new plan that whenever sister reads a toast from it, as indicated, everyone should stand. ;)

Then later, more guests who graciously made the trip to Eugene! Thanks guys!

Then, late in the evening, a few of us got all
old-school Eugene and headed down to the Vet's club. BUT, there was also a wedding and a class reunion onsite, so that was some good ol' fun right there!
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