Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to Celebrate Free Time? Camping and Fishing!

So first weekend back, we decided to head to the Upper South Fork for some re-lax-a-tion and some fishin' and shootin'. Pix, that is.

It occurred to me that we got this little stove that I love so much so much so much with wedding gift cards...that makes it dang near 10 years old. Probably time to replace...but I love it so!

What have I told you kids about the Starbucks dimebags? Never, not once. Luckily I had a few left from back when I was in grad school. ;)

Ah, Campfire QMT... Among the most peaceful of QMTs. With a devoted wiener dog standing guard to protect your peace.

Proof I was actually there. :)

Then, after coffee and QMT, surveying the day's fishing possibilities!


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