My company picnic was last weekend...minor league baseball! The Hawks are a farm team for the Cubs.
I have been playing with the panoramic feature on my...cell phone! Not bad! The boys were sitting in the front, girls up top!
The Hawks have been playing at this site since the turn of the century... NAW! Only since 1989. I just messed with this pic I took until it looked antiquey. Baseball is just extry charming in black-n-white.
This was a real, honest-to-goodness rainbow that we got during the game. It looks like a huge shooting star, but that's just the field lights. I'm thinking of trying to sell this to
Successories. ;)

Happy early Independence Day! I continue to be impressed with the amazing phone on my camera -- it captured the fireworks -- in a not half-bad manner, neither! I am looking to replace my phone, and worry I will be sorely disappointed with the replacement.
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