And then quickly, we are on to the flooring. Yes, yes, that 1,059 pounds of bamboo for 500 square feet of flooring. We really wanted to try to save the original flooring, but in the end decided that it was going to be too much work to fix the damage and holes in the kitchen that was done over the past 72 years.

We think this might have been the original staircase to the upstairs. Or the downstairs. Or maybe not. The living room still looks good tho. Sorry old floor, we have to cover you!

So, the flooring crew got to work on the installation of the lovely lovely bamboo! My husband is running the pneumatic floor nailer that Miss G HATES! So loud!

When you sink an accidental nail into effectively petrified (in this climate) hardwood, its best to just cut it off, 'cause it ain't being pulled out easily.

Hahahahahahaha! Floor Chicken Ranch!!

It's so much warmer!

It does not, however, install as quickly as laminate. We've been at it for days now!

Poor sad husband is so pleased with our decision to remodel again. ;)
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