Wednesday, March 30, 2011

FFF: Off to the Ruins!

Not ones to just lie about the place all day every day, we rounded up a couple of taxis, piled in, and headed toward Tulum to visit the ruins! Before we could get into the site proper tho, we had to negotiate a small market that had sprung up around the entrance.
My friend could not resist a new chapeau. I like this pic of her up against the woman in the tapestry.
The strangest part of the market was this wee band playing in a tree top...
And then continuing to play whilst acrobating their way down. Seems dangerous, plus who can hear what they are playing all the way up there?
Kids these days.
Like most folks, when we are traveling, we do our best to blend in, and not look like a target. Whenever I travel, people ask me for directions, so I must be succeeding. So, we donned our bumming-around-town clothes and hopped in the taxi!

And then, while we were shopping, this tiny little man in the pink Frida Kahlo shirt came running across the market to admire my husband's boots! He was so impressed with them! "WOW! Look at those! Those are fantastic! Really nice boots!! How much did you pay for those...American of course...??? WOW! Nice leather! So nice!" It killed me.


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